← Return to Spirit: Summoners of Áine-Chlair
- August 15, 2024 by GhostieSpectie26#announcement, #furry, #lgbt, #furryvn, #vndev, #furry visual novel, #visual novelNew thumbnail art for New thumbnail art for Spirit: Summoners of Áine-Chlair! Here's the full version of the art, if you're curious. (>W0)... Continue reading
- July 24, 2024 by GhostieSpectie23#bug fixes, #update, #announcement, #lgbt, #furry, #visual novel, #furryvn, #vn, #furry visual novel, #furry gameChangelog: Fixed an issue that causes Android version uses the old version of main menu screen instead of the new one Fixed an issue that causes the volume some of the laughters sfx from the mysteriou... Continue reading
- July 16, 2024 by GhostieSpectie35#furry, #gay, #lgbt, #visual novel, #furry visual novel, #indie, #announcementHello, everyone, This is GhostieSpectie, sorry for taking so long to release Build 6, I have been pretty busy with irl stuff~ Spirit: Summoners of Áine-Chlair Public Build 0.6 is now on itch.io~ I ho... Continue reading
- December 25, 2023 by GhostieSpectie23Continue reading
- December 04, 2023 by GhostieSpectie33Continue reading
- October 31, 2023 by GhostieSpectie37#vn, #visual novel, #furryvn, #furry visual novel, #renpy, #indie, #yaoi, #gay, #horror, #comedy, #announcement, #updateHello, everyone, This is GhostieSpectie, the Ghostie of Spooky Ghostie of Ghostie~ Spirit: Summoners of Áine-Chlair Public Build 0.5 is now on itch.io~ I hope you all enjoy it! Important disclaimer... Continue reading
- October 30, 2023 by GhostieSpectie23#patreon, #renpy, #vndev, #announcement, #update, #furryvn, #visual novel, #vnHello, everyone, This is GhostieSpectie, and Happy Spooky Month~ Spirit: Summoners of Áine-Chlair Build 5 is finally available on Patreon. Public Build will be available on November 1 (GMT+8). Import... Continue reading
- October 26, 2023 by GhostieSpectie26#visual novel, #gay, #lgbt, #update, #announcement, #furryvn, #furry visual novel, #renpy, #vndevSpirit: Summoners of Áine-Chlair Patreon Build 0.5 will be released before the end of Spooky Month! Public Build will be released around the beginning of November!... Continue reading
- June 15, 2023 by GhostieSpectie20#bug fixes, #update, #announcement, #renpy, #itchio, #SSoAC, #visual novel, #vn, #furryvn, #furry visual novel, #fvn, #indie, #vndevChangelog: Fixed an issue that shows "CHAPTER 3 END" instead of "CHAPTER 2 END" during the Chapter 2 end sequence Typo/Grammar fixes These are all just minor changes. If you've already played through... Continue reading
- June 14, 2023 by GhostieSpectie35#fvn, #furry visual novel, #furry vn, #furryvn, #vn, #visual novel, #renpy, #indie, #gay, #lgbt, #yaoi, #horror, #action, #comedy, #announcementHello everyone, this is GhostieSpectie! I have a lot of stuff to share with you all~ First, thank you, everyone, for hitting 27.5k views and 4000 downloads!! I want to acknowledge how grateful I am fo... Continue reading
- June 01, 2023 by GhostieSpectie28#vn, #furryvn, #furry visual novel, #renpy, #indie, #gay, #lgbt, #visual novel, #fvnGood evening, everyone! This is GhostieSpectie! In this update, I decided to add a new animation into the game, as well as adding a new feature: Toybox. Toybox is a simple feature where you can see al... Continue reading
- May 05, 2023 by GhostieSpectie30#update, #furryvn, #fvn, #furry visual novel, #visual novel, #slice of life, #comedy, #indie, #vn, #vndev, #announcementHello, everyone! It's me, GhostieSpectie, the Ghostie of Ghostie that Ghostie the Ghostie out of Ghostie of Ghosti- Achoo! Whoopsies! Sorry to keep you all waiting. Spirit: Summoners of Áine-Chlair B... Continue reading
- December 10, 2022 by GhostieSpectie20While working on Build 4... Happy December, everybody~... Continue reading
- December 04, 2022 by GhostieSpectie25#teaser, #progress, #update, #furryvn, #furry visual novel, #fvn, #visual novel, #vndev, #vnA new version of Gallery will be available in the upcoming Build 4. Stay tune~... Continue reading
- October 04, 2022 by GhostieSpectie22Continue reading
- September 21, 2022 by GhostieSpectie20#renpy, #update, #devlog, #vn, #furryvn, #gay, #lgbt, #yaoi, #visual novel, #furry visual novelChangelog: Added a few more CGs into the Gallery section Adjusted the flashing effect of Steve and Damian's speedline animation. New speedline animation for Damian in CHAPTER 3 These are all just mino... Continue reading
- September 17, 2022 by GhostieSpectie32#update, #announcement, #yaoi, #vn, #fvn, #furry vn, #furry visual novel, #lgbt, #gay, #visual novel, #renpy, #vndev, #indieGood morning, everyone! This is Ghostie, the Ghostie of Ghostie that will Ghostie the Ghostie out of your Ghostie the Ghostie of- Cough! Cough! Cough! Cough! As was promised, Spirit: Summoners of Áin... Continue reading
- September 16, 2022 by GhostieSpectie21#announcement, #visual novel, #furry visual novel, #patreon, #update, #vndev, #vn, #furry vn, #fvn, #indie, #renpyHello, everyone! It's me, GhostieSpectie, the Ghostie of Ghostie that Ghostie the Ghostie out of Ghostie of Ghosti- Cough! Cough! Ahem! My bad~ Spirit: Summoners of Áine-Chlair Build 3 is now availab... Continue reading
- May 09, 2022 by GhostieSpectie17#announcement, #bug fixes, #update, #SSoAC, #renpy, #itchio, #vn, #visual novel, #furry visual novel, #furry vn, #furryvn, #fvn, #vndevChangelog: Fixed an issue that causes the Load Game button unable to load in properly during the intro animation. These are all just minor changes. If you've already played through the previous build... Continue reading
- May 09, 2022 by GhostieSpectie21#update, #announcement, #vn, #visual novel, #furryvn, #fvn, #furry visual novel, #vndev, #indie, #renpy, #lgbt, #gay, #yaoi, #fantasy, #comedyChangelog: Typo/Grammar fixes Replaced some of the music/soundtracks These are all just minor changes. If you've already played through the previous build there's no essential content added in this pa... Continue reading
- May 03, 2022 by GhostieSpectie30#announcement, #update, #ssoac, #gay, #renpy, #vn, #visual novel, #lgbt, #furry visual novel, #furry vn, #furry, #hand-drawn, #vndev, #indieGood morning, everyone! This is Ghostie, the Ghostie of Ghostie that will Ghostie the Ghostie out of your Ghostie the Ghostie of- Cough! Cough! Cough! Cough! As was promised, Spirit: Summoners of Áin... Continue reading
- March 03, 2022 by GhostieSpectie33#announcement, #lgbt, #renpy, #gay, #furry, #visual novel, #furry visual novel, #fvn, #furry vn, #vn, #vndev, #birthdayPeek-A-Boo! Hello there, it is I, GhostieSpectie, the Ghostie of Ghostie that will Ghostie the Ghostie out o- Cough! Cough! Okay, enough with the Ghostie-ing. I wanted to let you guys know...Today's m... Continue reading
- February 12, 2022 by GhostieSpectie21#Velntin's Day 2020, #devlog, #vndev, #lgbt, #yaoi, #gay, #furry, #furryvn, #furry visual novel, #vn, #visual novel, #itchio, #renpyBeen chasing that special someone all year? Ready to take the leap? Tell them how you really feel with these Spirit Valentine's Day cards 💖 Damian's Valentine's Day card Steve's Valentine's Day car... Continue reading
- February 07, 2022 by GhostieSpectie13#patreon, #annoucement, #sprites, #new character, #ibu, #devlog, #vndev, #renpy, #itchio, #lgbtAs I'm working on the development of CHAPTER 2, I'm introducing our new character: Ibu ! A mysterious extraterrestrial being who sits on its chair, drinking tea, eating cookies while watching how the... Continue reading
- February 06, 2022 by GhostieSpectie12#announcement, #patreon, #plans, #SSoAC, #Spirit_VN, #vn, #visual novel, #furry visual novel, #furry vn, #fvn, #vndev, #devlogPeek-A-Boo! Hello, everyone! This is GhostieSpectie, the Ghostie of Ghostie! I've been thinking about opening a Patreon for quite a long time, and given how I want to expand on the project more, I thi... Continue reading
- February 01, 2022 by GhostieSpectie21#bug fixes, #devlog, #vndev, #update, #announcement, #furry visual novel, #furryvn, #vn, #visual novel, #lgbt, #gay, #yaoiChangelog/Bug fixes: Sprite size corrected for Rimu - The size for Rimu's sprites is smaller now. Fixed an issue that causes two of Damian's sprites to stack together when the player chooses "That's a... Continue reading
- January 29, 2022 by GhostieSpectie20#bug fix, #update, #announcement, #devlog, #vndev, #lgbt, #gay, #yaoi, #furry, #visual novel, #furry visual novel, #renpy, #itchioThe default music volume has been lowered from 100% to 25% Typo/Grammar fixes These are all just minor changes. If you've already played through the previous build there's no essential content added i... Continue reading
- January 21, 2022 by GhostieSpectie17#bug fixes, #update, #announcement, #devlog, #vndev, #furry, #vn, #visual novel, #furry visual novel, #itchio, #renpy, #furry vn, #fvn, #lgbt, #yaoi, #fantasyAdded a Quit button for the Main Menu Screen, as well as fixing some spelling mistakes. If you experience some issues or any other bugs, please give me a heads up and I'll look into it... Continue reading
- January 19, 2022 by GhostieSpectie15#bug fixes, #update, #devlog, #vndev, #announcement, #vn, #visual novel, #furry visual novel, #gay, #yaoi, #lgbt, #furry, #fvnBug fixes: Fixed an issue the game crashed if the player chooses "Flirt with him, he's cool~". If you still experience these issues or any other bugs, please give me a heads up and I'll look into it... Continue reading
- January 19, 2022 by GhostieSpectie17#bug fixes, #SSoAC, #Spirit, #vn, #yaoi, #furry, #fvn, #visualnovel, #announcement, #update, #vndev, #devlogFixed an issue that causes two of Damian's sprites to sometimes stack together if the player chooses the same question once again in a row during Oscar's section , as well as fixing some spelling mist... Continue reading